Honey I Shrunk The Duke - Shrinkage Gameplay Video

By goukijones — May 5, 2011
Tags: duke-nukem gameplay news video

It's Duke Nukem Jimmy! I think I might be the most excited person I know about Duke Nukem. When the pig Jimmys are throwing jars of pickles and mayonnaise at Duke ... Awesome. This game is going to shock a lot of people. At least on that first playthrough.

Sometimes bigger isn't always better!

Duke Nukem Forever - Shrinkage

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever Gouki Box Art

27 Stories

Release Date: Jun 14, 2011

Buy it! 18% - Rent it! 64% - Flush it! 18%

I like how there is more to it than just shrinking. Like the little dudes throwing cans at you and rats running after you.

iorilamia has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
May 5, 2011 by iorilamia


This falls somewhere between Rage and Brink for me. Brink being something super new and something I have experienced yet and Rage being the same old shit. Duke is right in the middle. And it's 12 years old, so for that it gets a play pass. I will play the shit out of this.

goukijones rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
May 5, 2011 by goukijones


I'm just hoping that the game doesn't turn out to be a disaster. Before the gameplay was nothing special, it was all about the crazy ass story and all the jokes. And this time it even looks polished. Who knows it might even turn out to be good.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
May 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


That looks cool, I don't like them showing the end of that level like that though.

BatRastered rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
May 5, 2011 by BatRastered


They must expect Duke's fan to either be drunk enough or stoned enough to forget about it before they get there.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
May 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Forget about what?

goukijones rated Duke Nukem Forever Flush it
May 5, 2011 by goukijones


how many times do you get to ride the rc car

kof2012 has not rated Duke Nukem Forever yet.
May 17, 2011 by kof2012

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