How to get Destiny & an XBOX ONE for less than $300?! Destiny Launch Party Report
By goukijones —
September 10, 2014
Microsoft Store Destiny Launch Party 9/8/2014
On Monday night Team Gouki attended the Destiny Launch party inside the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas, NV. I haven't been to a midnight launch since Halo Reach. That night we just waited in car outside of a Best Buy until they opened the doors. Only nubfarm stands in line. I remember way back in 2007, waiting in line OUTSIDE the GameStop for a midnight release. Meanwhile the GS was closed, the lights were off & all the employees just hid in the back until it was time to open the doors around midnight.
What it looks like trading in 3 Xbox 360s & 50 games. @MicrosoftStore in Las Vegas 2014 #dontbeajimmy
— GoukiJones (@goukijones) September 9, 2014
At the Microsoft Store for the Destiny event tho, completely different. The store was OPEN! All of their products were out & they had multiple setups running Destiny. They also had pizza, drinks & a DJ. Getting CRUNK! My girlfriend just sat in front of the first tablet & played Mahjong all night. Somebody gave her a gift bag for just hanging out. It was a very friendly & welcoming environment. Plus there was like a raffle every 10 minutes & dance contest to finish the night. I hope there are more launch parties like this in the future.
On & poppin!!
— GoukiJones (@goukijones) September 9, 2014
So let's get down to why we were really there. XBOX ONE's & Destiny. That's right, up until Monday night there ben hads 0 XBOX ONE's (or any next-gen system) in the Gouki house.
I needed Destiny so I started to track down deals. My buddy, he goes by Estrada, got me hip to some trade-in deal for old consoles. You can check that link here: Microsoft Console Trade
Sure enough I had an Xbox 360 that was on that list. Pro-tip: if it turns on & plays games, you can probably trade it in right now for $100! Go check the site.
After that was confirmed I found out that the store will take games as well. Uh-oh ... we got like 50 games. Sure enough 50 games came to almost $225. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!
So it's a Madden Edition Xbox 1 & Destiny for $299 - stolen!
— GoukiJones (@goukijones) September 9, 2014
We gave Jimmy $75. Cause we is nice peoples. ^.-
Then Batty & I got 2 Madden Edition XBOX ONE's & 2 copies of Destiny. Our total ... $521.77 STOLEN!
Big thanks to Ben for working hard ALL NIGHT to get our trade-ins processed. It was a 3 person collection he sorted thru.
This Jimmy hard at work doing these trade ins. Over $450 in credits so far. #dealsjimmy #destiny
— GoukiJones (@goukijones) September 9, 2014
Catch me on XBOX LIVE playing Destiny. GOUKIJONES
Thanks for reading!
Release Date:
Nov 22, 2013