How to get Destiny & an XBOX ONE for less than $300?! Destiny Launch Party Report

By goukijones — September 10, 2014
Tags: blog destiny fashion-show-mall las-vegas microsoft-store

Microsoft Store Destiny Launch Party 9/8/2014

On Monday night Team Gouki attended the Destiny Launch party inside the Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas, NV. I haven't been to a midnight launch since Halo Reach. That night we just waited in car outside of a Best Buy until they opened the doors. Only nubfarm stands in line. I remember way back in 2007, waiting in line OUTSIDE the GameStop for a midnight release. Meanwhile the GS was closed, the lights were off & all the employees just hid in the back until it was time to open the doors around midnight. 


At the Microsoft Store for the Destiny event tho, completely different. The store was OPEN! All of their products were out & they had multiple setups running Destiny. They also had pizza, drinks & a DJ. Getting CRUNK! My girlfriend just sat in front of the first tablet & played Mahjong all night. Somebody gave her a gift bag for just hanging out. It was a very friendly & welcoming environment. Plus there was like a raffle every 10 minutes & dance contest to finish the night. I hope there are more launch parties like this in the future. 

So let's get down to why we were really there. XBOX ONE's & Destiny. That's right, up until Monday night there ben hads 0 XBOX ONE's (or any next-gen system) in the Gouki house. 

I needed Destiny so I started to track down deals. My buddy, he goes by Estrada, got me hip to some trade-in deal for old consoles. You can check that link here: Microsoft Console Trade

Sure enough I had an Xbox 360 that was on that list. Pro-tip: if it turns on & plays games, you can probably trade it in right now for $100! Go check the site. 

After that was confirmed I found out that the store will take games as well. Uh-oh ... we got like 50 games. Sure enough 50 games came to almost $225. I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT!

We gave Jimmy $75. Cause we is nice peoples. ^.-

Then Batty & I got 2 Madden Edition XBOX ONE's & 2 copies of Destiny. Our total ... $521.77 STOLEN!

Big thanks to Ben for working hard ALL NIGHT to get our trade-ins processed. It was a 3 person collection he sorted thru. 

Trade-in deal for Destiny

Catch me on XBOX LIVE playing Destiny. GOUKIJONES

Thanks for reading!

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