Japanese SSF4 dev blog post about Yun translated

By Cinderkin — October 25, 2010
Tags: dev-blog japanese ssf4 super-street-fighter-iv yun

Arc Rail sent over a translation of the Japanese SSF4 developer blog that focuses on Yun

About Yun No. 1

It's been a while. The Developer Blog is resuming now!

To the many location test participants, we extend our utmost thanks.

Having taken into consideration such a large amount of feedback, we will keep on with our round-the-clock development in pursuit of the prime competitive fighting game. From today on we'll be trying to run at maximum output.

I thought I'd come tell you about the elements updated from the home version of SSF4, so first, I'll start with the normal moves breakdown for this new character, Yun!

General Concept

The goal of the development effort was to make Yun a good fit in the SSF4 Arcade Edition system, while maintaining his image from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike as much as possible.

Using the Raigekishuu (Dive Kick) along with Yun's diverse rushdown moves, play tricks on the enemy with his agile, light movements, while articulating strings with few gaps to steadily pressure the opponent into taking your attacks, until you can build up the Super Combo gauge and activate his Super, Genei-jin, for a combo. Combining these aspects should be the goal for any Yun's battle plan.

Yun's vitality and attack power are on the low side, so in order to increase his chances of getting in contact with a troublesome opponent, the number of Cancelable normal moves has increased since Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.

Due to SSF4's system where it is more difficult to build meter than it was in SF3 Third Strike, and since EX Special Moves tend to be designated as countermeasures against projectiles, Yun's Super Combo, Genei-Jin, was strengthened a little.

For players accustomed to the Yun in SF3 Third Strike, or for players who like to use mobility to create a close-range fight and have a taste for unique combos, I might venture to say that this is a character intended for you.

Normal Moves

While Yun's normal move lineup looks similar to their animations in SF3 Third Strike, their uses in SSF4 Arcade Edition have received tuning. Let me bring up some examples...

Close Light Kick and Far Light Kick are Cancelable pokes with quick startup times.

Far Medium Punch is a poke with a relatively good hitbox that leads to a Target Combo, although this time it is possible to Cancel it. If you happen to have meter, you could get into Genei-Jin (Super) from here by means of a special move.

Close Medium Kick can be jump-canceled on hit or block. A clean hit on the opponent should allow a variety of juggles to look forward to.


Crouching Light Kick has a fast startup and can be linked into normal moves, a low-hitting combo starter.

Crouching Medium Kick is well suited for occasional use as a poke due to its range and fairly quick startup.

In the air, Jumping Medium Kick can hit as a jump-in from far away, Jumping Hard Kick is an air-to-air measure, and Jumping Hard Punch is a jump-in combo starter.

Unique Attacks (Command Normals)

Yun has 3 Unique Attacks: Senpuukyaku (Overhead), Dakai (Toward + Hard Punch), and Raigekishuu (Dive Kick).

Although it can be blocked low, the trajectory of the Dive Kick will change depending on the button pressed, so it should see wide usage as a surprise attack from the air.

His Overhead (Toward + Medium Kick) and Toward + Hard Punch gain different properties during Genei-Jin. You can make use of these during your combos and attack strings.


Target Combos

Yun has 5 Target Combos in total. From among these we'll specifically point out the following:

TC3 (Crouching Hard Kick -> Standing Hard Kick).
TC4 (Far or Close Medium Punch -> Hard Punch -> Back + Hard Punch).
TC5 (Close Light Punch -> Light Kick -> Medium Punch).

TC4 especially should see use from a poke or after a jump-in as a quick source of damage.

TC5 can be used to allow time to buffer into Genei-Jin (Super) from normal moves, or be used with a special move for a regular damaging combo, and so on.


The next blog is the special moves chapter, at last! The subject: How did we handle the fury of Genei-Jin that flourished in SF3 Third Strike?!

Look forward to it!


Source: http://www.eventhubs.com and http://www.capcom.co.jp/blog/sf4/development_blog/2010/09/28_2698.html

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We all know that Yun is garbage, unless it's Rey running around LA in cosplay.

goukijones rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Oct 25, 2010 by goukijones

de bad shot

ill stick to marvel vs capcom

de bad shot rated Super Street Fighter IV Flush it
Oct 28, 2010 by de bad shot


Yang all day dude

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia



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kof2012 rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
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I've always prefered quick and agile characters.

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