Kevin Butler explains his part in Gran Turismo 5. Delayed again?

By goukijones — November 18, 2010
Tags: commercial news video

No it's not delayed again, but Kevin Butler does say when the car roster was at 500 he said make it a 1000 and that may have had something to do with the multiple delays.

I will be getting Gran Turismo 5. I'm just too curious to see how it actually is. There is a required 40 minute install before you play the game. So you may get the game the day it comes out, but with the Playstation 3 you might not be able to play it until the next day. lol. I don't know what I'm talking about. The Playstation is ridiculous. Fortunately for all of us the best thing to come from Sony and Playstation in the last five years is Kevin Butler. Enjoy the new Gran Turismo 5 commercial. 

Gran Turismo 5

Gran Turismo 5 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Nov 24, 2010

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