"Kickstarter" for a new Wario Game, this is exactly what's wrong with the industry.

By goukijones — May 20, 2013
Tags: kickstarter nintendo video wario-game

First of all I can't even embed this video on Gouki, because it's locked down with some exclusive player on a unique Nintendo website. The site is purely designed to get your money. You have to see this.

I hope you get where I'm going here. I've had an issue with Kickstarter recently that it's just gotten too out of control. I had no idea there were so many people in the world asking for money like this to make some magical bullshit. Like a live action Zelda with the Back to the Future Delorean flying around with some female Link behind the wheel. Why is this such a big deal in our time right now? I'm all for a live action Zelda movie, I just don't want it made by some backwoods Jimmys from a place in America I've never heard of. 

So then I get this link in the mail. Nintendo has jumped on the bandwagon & started a "Kickstarteresque" program for Wario's new game. Like yeah, they need money from us to get this game published. Nintendo is fucked. Thanks for reading. Vote, comment & share. Don't be a Jimmy. 



Yeah, just don't know about Nintendo anymore. EA won't make games for them anymore. Thinking at some point in the next few years they'll go the Sega route and just become a software/licensing company.

May 20, 2013 by noworries

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