"Kingdom Hearts IV" Gameplay Announcement In An IRL Setting

By goukijones — April 11, 2022
Tags: disney kingdom-hearts preview square-enix

The pool dates are now available to select for an actual release date.

This footage certainly comes as a surprise. Kingdom Hearts 3 just came out in 2019. That probably means KH4 should be expected around holiday 2024 if not 2025.

Yeah, this video has some gameplay in it. Anybody watching this industry for as many years as I have known this is just a tech demo, a proof of concept if you will. Somebody living in their basement could have made this same clip. As far as actual gameplay or even what this new Kingdom Hearts is about is still unknown.

Square and Disney just wanted to let us know they are working on it. Hey, the real world graphics look really cool.

Skip to 4:04 if you want to see the Kingdom Hearts IV clip.

Kingdom Hearts IV

Kingdom Hearts IV Gouki Box Art

1 Stories

Release Date: 2026

Hyped 100% - Not 0%

I think that it looks really good. Kingdom Hearts fans will wait without complaint for the release. They can sleep well at night knowing that their favorite game will continue at some date in the future.

Apr 25, 2022 by sugarninja

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