Lego Booth E3 2013 GJ vs FNJ Exclusive Video

By goukijones — June 30, 2013
Tags: e3-2013 fnjimmy goukijones lego video warner-bros-interactive

GoukiJones & FnJimmy discuss GoukiJones' farts from E3 2013 & also new Lego titles.

The Lego games are cool. Not super great, I haven't played 1 in years. The new Chima browser based MMO, looks alright, but I can't say how much interest I actually have in that game. 10%? The Avengers looks really cool, some of the best split screen game play I've seen. I probably should have recorded a little bit to show you. Maybe there's a video online ... Nope.

Warner Bros. was also showing off ANOTHER LoL clone, this 1 tho has DC characters. I don't really know if it was an LoL clone tho. There's was a ton of JImmys crowded around playing it. There was a stage with 10 set ups, announcers & a pro-team there. A pro-team? So no interested. Jimmy?

Mad Max was there. Some next-gen super game ... allegedly. I'm not bothered with this either. This game doesn't exist yet as far as I'm concerned. 

What kind of gameplay do you figure you're going to see during this demo? I haven't read anything about this game - Like I said, I don't believe it's real. I figure the demo is 1: watching that trailer again. 2: some guy driving around in a barren wasteland? Shooting at Jimmys in random encampments? I bet you there is no clever scavenging system or leveling up. What is this Rage 2? Again, none of my takes are factual. I have 0 interest in this game. 

Go Lego!

Thanks for watching & reading. 


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