Live Stream Highlights: Battlefield 3 November 6, 2011

By goukijones — November 7, 2011
Tags: battlefield-3 cision-nade exclusive-video gameplay goukijones live-stream-highlights tanktage

Featuring Team Gouki: Gorilla Warbear, xErik Estradax and GoukiJones PWNn some Battlefield 3. We're new to the online streaming, please stop by and check it out sometime.

This is also somewhat of a test of the upload and transfer process from to YouTube. I believe it worked out very smoothly. Unfortunately the quality is HD, but its watchable. Lets get started with a quickie shall we.

'Cision 'Nade 001

I chuck g'nades. Sometimes they hit the mark. A badass nice toss up to some nuab camping in the rafters or some shit. #dontbeajimmy

Tanktage 001 Gorilla Warbear approves

In this highlight GoukiJones is seen PWNn the defending camp with a tank. Thermal & Motion detector FTW.

Tanktage 002 23-0

A deluxe PWNn clip from GoukiJones in a tank. Goes 23-0. The other team was just a bunch of proper nuabs.

If you're playing the Battlefield 3 and want to party up and be on the stream. Let me know, leave a comment and we shall PWN. Vote, comment and share. Don't be a Jimmy.

Battlefield 3

Battlefield 3 Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

35 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Oct 25, 2011

Buy it! 67% - Rent it! 33% - Flush it! 0%

Nothing better than blowing up a camper. You have done the gaming community a great favor. :)

dragonkiss83 rated Battlefield 3 Buy it
Nov 8, 2011 by dragonkiss83



kof2012 has not rated Battlefield 3 yet.
Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012

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