Makoto Vs Ryu at Super vs Battle in London

By Cinderkin — August 26, 2010
Tags: makoto ryu street-fighter street-fighter-iv super-street-fighter-iv super-vs-battle

V-Ryu (Makoto)vs Kusanagi94 (Ryu)

A very impressive showing of skill with Makoto from V-Ryu at Super vs Battle this year. His opponent an 11 year old Ryu player named Kusanagi94. Kusanagi94 is not a Ryu to take lightly, as he beat Diago once at the tournament held in London this year.

Makoto is still considered very unfamiliar for most players, so it nice to see some high level play with her.

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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