Mario Kart 64 NSFW 11-22-2013 Mario VS Luigi FOR TOAD!

By goukijones — November 25, 2013
Tags: live-stream-highlights nsfw video

GoukiJones & FnJimmy race to see who gets the right to use Toad next week. Don't be a Jimmy!

So last week Jimmy switched to DK & got railed. Gouki used Toad & did very well. This week FnJimmy says he's switching back to Toad, GoukiJones said no, he was gonna use Toad. Jimmyness ensued. 

Gouki & Jimmy agreed to both use Mario & Luigi this week. Who ever wins will get the right to choose which ever character they want to drive with FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE.

Who do you think won?

Thanks for watching. 

Mario Kart 64

Mario Kart 64 Gouki Box Art

28 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Feb 10, 1997

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