Community Marvel VS Capcom 3 Problem with character choice
By SonicZero —
December 6, 2010
I don't really get whats wrong with the decision of characters in Marvel Vs Capcom 3.
Now everyone has been anticipating the charcarters for Marvel VS Capcom 3. And they say with every week there should be a new character. But it seems like they are deconfirming more than they are announcing. Its easier for us to cross out a lot of people and get closer to the final list. Also the way they decide if a character is gonna be in it or not doesn't make sense. Like with Strider Hiryu, "Strider Hiryu is popular overseas as well, we took him out of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, because he didn't fit in with its concept." Am I the only one who thinks what the fuck are you thinking. He's popular and you can build more moves onto him. He doesn't fit in with its concept? Look at the game you have tentacle monsters(Shuma Gorath) and a fat head on a jetpack ( M.O.D.O.K). How do those fit into the concept? I'm not a really big fan of Strider but it doesn't click with me that they are deconfirming characters that I believe would be really fun to play (Phoenix Wright, Silver Surfer, etc) Any thoughts on this?
Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Feb 15, 2011