Mass Effect 3 Female Shepard - I prefer a sexy ass. + 6 videos

By goukijones — February 10, 2012
Tags: blog

Personally I'd rather be watching a sexy ass run around than some Jimmy. I've always chosen to be a female character in games for that reason. Female Shepard from Mass Effect is been special. She spoke and renegade style ... love the attitude.

Didn't the Jimmys of the internet choose a blonde to be the face of the female Shepard? Doesn't matter now I guess. Good, I don't care. Can I still import my save file with my previous design? Can't wait to smack bitches and fuck blue aliens in Mass Effect 3.

My ass, I'm going to destroy this shit on hard.

I sure hope there is still plenty of RPG elements left in this game.

Ok so I take back what I said after the previous video. I WILL be able to choose the color of my suit. YES! >.>

2 choices in this video and I couldn't tell the difference. Regardless of that and more on the story, Mass Effect is one of the few games that I actually watch the cut scenes. Mostly because the lead character speaks and you can be a super dick to everyone. 

It's just like Hoarde mode right? I'm so glad there's a 3 week demo/beta for this coming next week. Everyone can test it out and see if they've completely fucked the ME serious and wasted our time. Plus we'll know for sure if we're ordering more than 1 copy to the office.

What's your take on Mass Effect 3? Did you play the first 2? Male or Female Shepard? Hyped for the multiplayer?

Vote, comment and share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Mass Effect 3

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Release Date: Mar 6, 2012

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