Max Payne 3 trailer & Alleged release "Month"

By goukijones — September 14, 2011
Tags: max-payne-3 news release-date trailer video

Let me be the first to say ... March? Yeariiiiiiight. Max Payne Cinematic trailer reveals release "window" lol. Is this the new thing in gaming?

No way Rockstar release Max Payne 3 in March. Reason number 1, Mass Effect 3 & XCOM already have ACTUAL dates in the month of March. March 6th to be exact. Also note here that I expect XCOM to be pushed back. Either way we also can't forget that this is Rockstar we're talking about here, they love to delay stuff. Max Payne is also a very newly announced title and this trailer below doesn't show any gameplay for sure, there's definitely no HUD or menus or maps, you get my point. I loved the Hollywoodesque L.A. Noire commercials and that game didn't turn out at all as to what I expected. I didn't even play it I was so disappointed.

My history with Max Payne? I've played them, I haven't seen the movie like FnJimmy, but I'm not a Jimmy either. I'm always excited to see a new Rockstar game, RDR, GTA3 are 2 of my all time favorites. Max Payne is the original bullet time game and I'm excited to see where the franchise goes. The story? Irrelevant. The combat and action scenes, that's where it's at. I'm afraid though it could be another bomb that isn't cool, just because it doesn't run on the RDR engine. Could you imagine Deus Ex on the RDR engine? Wait, stop me. At least Max Payne 3 wasn't DEVELOPED by Team Bondi. (lol BatRastered has just notified me that Team Bondi has been shut down. This is what happens.)

Max Payne 3 - First Trailer

So what do you guys think? Me, it looks like all of the Die Hard movies rolled into one. 

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Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3 box art

11 Stories

Release Date: May 15, 2012

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The first game wasn't great, I barely played the second, and the movie was total crap. I'll be skipping this one.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Max Payne 3 yet.
Sep 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83


i give this game 10 thumbs up

kof2012 has not rated Max Payne 3 yet.
Sep 29, 2011 by kof2012

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