Community Moon Diver Demo Impressions

By DragonKiss83 — March 31, 2011
Tags: demo moon-diver ps3 psn review square-enix

The Demo came out on PSN yesterday, so I had to try it.

The trailer was posted by iorilamia here

And now that the demo is up I was ready to try it out.  Square Enix had my attention, now I decide if they get my money.

You have 4 characters to choose from, Seyfert, Hitori, Tolby, and Ourion.  How far you get depends on how you play, make it to the boss and the game feels way different.

On my own I tried each character, but when you team up the game gets better.  Had this been at the arcades when I was growing up I would have played the shit out of it.  Right now you can get the full game on PSN for 14.99, Xbox 360 users will have to wait.  As you play your character levels up and eventually gets some new skills.  And with four different characters to choose from chances are you'll play it through a few times.

Seyfert has a projectile you can use.

Hitori is slower but has an attack that damages all on screen enemies.

Tolby might have been the fastest, and has a special that freeze all enemies on screen.

Ourion was the slowest, had the most physical attack strenght, but I didn't get a special attack.

With a free demo I'ld suggest you play it before you buy it, but if my son likes it I'll be getting the full version soon.  But if you like the old school side scrollers I think you'll enjot this a lot.   Paying $15 for it if you have some extra cash is woth it to me, you get 12 Levels with a few stages to each.  So overall I say buy it.




Awesome write up Dragon :D

I bought it upon release and been playing the shit out of it, review coming soon <3
Which character did you like the most? I' mainly lvling up Hitori but high lvl Ourions and Syferts seem to be owning alot =o

Mar 31, 2011 by iorilamia


Hitori and Seyfert were my favorite two. I think picking it up and lebeling them would help me decide though. I'll be looking forward to seeing more in your review.

Mar 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83


is this game a real badass side scrolling shooter

Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012


Holy crap KOF, way to catch up, I just got hit with over a hundred messages saying you commented on something.

Apr 20, 2011 by DragonKiss83


And if anyone on the 360 is still waiting for this, it'll be out May 4th.

Apr 21, 2011 by DragonKiss83


With PSN being down so long I'm having second thoughts about getting it now. There are just to many choices.

May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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