More Borderlands 2 DLC coming soon?

By BatRastered — December 13, 2012
Tags: blog dlc rumor

Another patch was released for Borderlands 2 today, aside from bug fixes, some uses have noticed new trophies added for the next DLC on the PS3 version.

The new DLC is said to be called Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt.

Here are the trophies from the PS3:

1) Face Off - Completed the mission: "The Fall of Nakayama" (Bronze trophy)

2) Done that - Completed all Hammerlocks hunt side missions. (Gold trophy)

3) Been there - Discovered all named locations in Hammerlocks Hunt. (Silver trophy)

There's a blurry cell-phone pic (in spanish) for some bit of proof:

Sir Hammerlock DLC on the way?

Last time we saw these leaks, the DLC was out within a few weeks. I highly doubt that it will release on Christmas, so my best guess is either next Tuesday or the first one after the new year.


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I haven't downloaded the patch yet, but I'm curious to see if my bank glitch still works:

Also curious if Arth's issue with Zer0 freezing is fixed. Looks like it was addressed in the patch notes for the 360.

BatRastered rated Borderlands 2 Buy it
Dec 13, 2012 by BatRastered


Really, Another DLC soon!? I haven't finished the pirate DLC, or haven't even started on Tourge's DLC. I really need to step things up before this next one.

Arthvader rated Borderlands 2 Buy it
Dec 13, 2012 by Arthvader


No Skill points, no play.

goukijones rated Borderlands 2 Buy it
Dec 13, 2012 by goukijones


I've not finished Torque and with the speed they are putting them out I'm feeling like we got screwed on the season pass. But with the hunt theme they could add some great stuff, but they would surprise me if they did. And people are going to freak out if they still don't offer skill points.

dragonkiss83 rated Borderlands 2 Buy it
Dec 13, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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