Community Mortal Kombat 9 Demo: Infinite Traps
By Phresh —
March 19, 2011
Guess what? The Mortal Kombat demo is broken. I would never have guessed in a million years that MK was broken.
The way to beat it is to use your breaker, but that apparently takes up 2/3's of your gauge, and you won't gain enough gauge just defending to break free in the first round. Even after that you'll only get one slip-up in the next round so you better reverse the match.
I know this is just the demo build and since its a major issue they'll fix it, but it just goes to show that this is the kind of bs that can get through.
The video's message is my own. The MK series is lackluster and people still buy into the hype and eat up the gimmicks. IF I ever get this game, I would only get it after its been proven not to be a pile of shit and I would only get it used so I wouldn't support the devs. But my prediction will be that it will suffer MVC3's fate in that it'll be all hype and not enough substance.
P.S. I will be loling at the tournaments.
Release Date:
Apr 19, 2011