Mortal Kombat Delayed Till June 14th

By Cinderkin — April 1, 2011
Tags: afd-2011

In what seems to be a turn for the worst Netherrealms studios has officially announced that Mortal Kombat will be delayed till June 14th. They stated that they wanted to add more characters and polish the game before release.

Ed Boon tweeted today that the highly anticipated Mortal Kombat is to be delayed till June 14th.

"We are sorry to announce, but Mortal Kombat will be delayed until June 14th." said Boon. "Fans should know that we didn't want this to happen, but we needed a little more time to add in Kintaro, and polish up some bugs."

I'm pretty pissed about this Jimmy! The last thing I wanted was to wait longer for this game to come out. Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!


Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Gouki Box Art

79 Stories

Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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Drunken Jimmys everywhere are crying because the didn't check todays date.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Apr 1, 2011 by DragonKiss83


..... I hope the new character is Fulgore from Killer Intrinsic!!

reipuerto rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Apr 1, 2011 by reipuerto

grey walrus

Probably one of the most "believable" april fools I've heard this year.

grey walrus has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Apr 1, 2011 by grey walrus


How freakin' pissed would you be cinder?? Seriously!?!?

sunsmilerox has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Apr 1, 2011 by sunsmilerox


@ Sunsmile

Seeing as I'm the one who made it up, not to much. But if it really got delayed, I'd start breaking bones in real life. If I can't play the game then I'll just start my own Mortal Kombat!

Cinderkin rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Apr 4, 2011 by Cinderkin


i going to buy this game jimmys

kof2012 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012

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