Mortal Kombat: Lui Kang Vignette

By Cinderkin — February 11, 2011
Tags: lui-kang mortal-kombat trailer video

Netherrealms Studios has released the latest character vignette. This time it is about Lui Kang. Also if you look closely (well not really) you can see Kano, and Shang Tsung who haven't been officially announced yet. So Get Over Here! And check it out!

Looks like Lui has a new teleport style move. I'm looking forward to this game more and more. Anyone else excited for a good Mortal Kombat comeback? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Gouki Box Art

79 Stories

Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

Buy it! 88% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 12%

I still have mixed feelings on the game. I really need to try some sort of demo before I could say much else , visuals are win though. Still contemplating the subzero dlc...

iorilamia rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by iorilamia


@ iori
I want the collectors edition, but with no way to try the game I don't want to be salty once it drops. Good thing is it comes out right before my birthday, so I'm gonna try and have someone else buy the CE edition for me ^.^

Cinderkin rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by Cinderkin


- oops, meant subzero pro-order-

Yea and I hate returning games or lesser the price i bought them for, after trying to make it work out and enjoy it. Heres hoping for minimal salty-ness! I'm sure one of your goukibros would get it for you ;)

iorilamia rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by iorilamia


I was thinking more on the lines of my Girlfriend haha. Heard though. I never trade in anymore last time I did I wasn't working and needed the money. I have some crappy games sitting on my shelf, but they are mine! No more trades!

Cinderkin rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by Cinderkin


I hear you, Cinderkin! why trade games if you know that you won't get much for them, anyways?

Other than that, I'm impressed about what they did with Liu Kang. He looks like a character I could get used to using (along with Kung Lao).

Arthvader rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by Arthvader


still on the fence with this game and @cenderkin im the same way but the only time i trade in is when i HAVE get the really awesome games cuz i dont really get any money lolz i need a job :(

blazemanx rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by blazemanx


I would really love to see this game do well, but i never liked anything after MK3. Keeping my fingers crossed.

dancegrenade has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Feb 11, 2011 by dancegrenade


Mortal Kombat done right would be great, but I'm just not expecting it. I'll give it a try just because I was hooked on it at the arcade back in the day. But with all these games being brought back I hope that we see some new names among their ranks. I still haven't tried BlazBlue due to the small roster, but everyone has told me it was great.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by DragonKiss83


I'm thinking about maining Liu Kang, we'll see...I'll have to try out the whole cast first!

SpeedBrkr has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Feb 11, 2011 by SpeedBrkr


Liu Kang is my favorite MK character, so I will use him from day 1. (or day -1 if I get it on midnight release) LOL

ariscool24 has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Feb 11, 2011 by ariscool24


@ ari

Technically that is still day one. Midnight is the beginning of a calendar day. Don't be a Jimmy!

Cinderkin rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by Cinderkin


That is one BEAST of a collector's edition! Better and most of the ones out there now! lol!

reipuerto rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 11, 2011 by reipuerto


Strange to see Liu having a teleport backhand.

shenwoopunch has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Feb 12, 2011 by shenwoopunch


Mortal Kombat giveaway? :)

JBadua has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Feb 13, 2011 by JBadua


im mixed on this as well. mortal kombat has been shitty but the way they're bringing it back can definitely win me back. funny thing but my friend said this won best fighting game rather than mvc3

SonicZero has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Feb 13, 2011 by SonicZero


fuck collectors editions dont have time to collect just play

kof2012 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Feb 15, 2011 by kof2012

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