Community My 5th AE character Theory

By iorilamia — January 23, 2011
Tags: blog console dlc ssf4-ae theory

Possible 5th character makes sense

Ok, So in AE we officially have 4 new characters, yun yang, oni and E.Ryu. Making 39 characters total. People have speculated their would be more characters since when yun and yang were added their was more space, and they were correct. but now their is still a space right next to Ryu's face on the left, and I'm disregarding the space on the bottom right because it's right next to Random Select. Anyways, I'm guessing this character will follow the evil fashion of oni and E. The other two official ones are Violent ken and Dark Sakura. Dark sakura to me seems way less likely because her evil form wasn't very popular or that epic. Also Violent Ken is property of SNKP.

Yet SNKP new president spoke of liscencing shit like "kof sky stage" which is something you would use in another fighting game. Even though the anouncement was recent, who knows how many months or so things have been in planning and kept under wraps. Also another great reason to beleive its a 5th character is that it follows costume pack DLC's. AE has only brought up 4 new characters, yun and Yang already have alt costumes and all alt costume packs are 5 characters. When this is released on home I'm not so sure if they are , breaking that chain. but forever and ever and ever fans have been bitching and whining for " OMG ITS GONNA BE ALEX, HUGO, ROLENTO, ELENA KARIN" and so on.

After TvC I dont think Alex is getting much else, especially since they they did take some chars directly form tvc, buffed them and put them in mvc3, except Alex. Also, the demand for all these 3rd strike characters seem even more ignored to me because 3rd strike ONLINE has been in the works, they are going to want people to buy the shit out of that. also, for a lot of the 3strike characters and 2nd impact and other older sf game characters we havent seen in a while, they WILL be in sf X Tekken, capcom even made a specific anouncement long ago saying " remember this is SF vs tekken, not ssf4, so you will see many returning fighters" also, we have no idea whats in store when the Tekken version is released soooooo, thats where all those characters can go. Yet, it seems risky having them push a THIRD evil/altered character, especially Ken, but his fanbase is massive and people enjoyed his alterations. As far as plausible characters go that arn't evil, I would go with Rolento. not because I am a fan of him, but because capcom does listen sometimes, and people have been begging for that dude for years in so many games,lol.

I really do think theirs a 5th character evening the game out to 40 characters(holy shit), what do you Jimmy's think? Will their be another character or does it end here? Leave a comment and why :D


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