Community My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic Pre-Alpha Preview.

By DaisyMare — August 15, 2011
Tags: blog fighting-is-magic mlp-fim my-little-pony news preview video

Pre-Alpha video of actual game play sound and effects of MLP: Fighting is Magic.

MLP: Fighting is Magic is a fan-tribute, indie 2d Fighter developed and (planned to be) released by Mane6; It is based in the "My Little Pony" Franchise, in its most recent incarnation, "Friendship is Magic"

The First Official Release, coming soon, will include six fighting characters (Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie), who'll be joined by 11 more ponies in further DLC releases, until a complete roster of 17 characters is achieved.

It will come with both a story mode, and versus mode (online and Local), at launch.

Hey everypony,

With all the work going into the characters of the game it's natural players want a backdrop to have them kick flank on. The backgrounds of the game are getting a lot of attention put into them, to match environments from the show but also to be entertaining enough to look at as your favorite ponies comedically kick each other around. This stage in particular has taken many steps from the version seen in the pre-alpha video. From rearranging some objects, removing others and even changing the time of day. One of the changes currently in effect is with the shading, we're trying to even the colors out and instill a sense of drama but it has taken a slight deviation from the show's style.

The idle animations are the ones that show when you aren't doing anything. This is something we didn't have much reference for in the MLP:FiM show, because there is rarely any moment when the ponies are standing around looking ready to fight.  The idle is a good chance to try inject life and personality into our characters.

The one I've shown here is the crouched idle for Rainbow Dash. Dash is an energetic girl, so even when crouching she is looking ready to spring up at any moment. One thing that was interesting is her wings. To begin with they are an object that would move and scale for each frame of her breathing; but this makes them look very stiff and "glued on". So the animator split it up into the separate feathers, and animated them slightly out of step with each other. It's very subtle but it makes her wings look a lot more dynamic and lively!


Animation looks good. Looks too simple for a console game though maybe a portable fighter like PSP or iPhone.

Aug 15, 2011 by Aragrist


First of all welcome to and thank you for posting a story.

Looks like something for your iPhones. I would have never guessed MLP, what's next Care Bear's Brawl? I'll keep my eyes on this.

You should add tags: Blog, Video, News.
Check out the FAQ if you have any more questions.
Thanks for posting.

Aug 15, 2011 by goukijones


This was the last place I thought I'd see the mlp phenomenon come too. But whatever, I guess I don't disapprove.

Aug 15, 2011 by Phresh


The Official website for the game is Check it out if you have any interest in MLP Fighting is Magic.

Thank you all so much for treating this as a game and not an attack on your site by the Bronies. I doubt you'll see any official games talked about here because they will more than likely suck. Only Fans know how to take something this cute and make it 20% cooler. I just can't wait till it's released. I also was told that it wont show up on iPhone or droid due to it not being officially licensed by Hasbro. It will just be a hardcore freeware Fangasm. The music was being done by a guy called RainbowCrash88 and most of his MLP songs have a good beat and some great metal vibes. I just hope the other characters are various enough in their fighting styles and animations to make this game look and work like SF3's.

Aug 15, 2011 by Daisymare


Thing is, I don't think these guys know anything about this pony stuff so it looks just like any other fangame to them. I only know very little about the show myself only having seen one episode but I've picked up most of the basic info from across the internet. And to everyone else who is not familiar, Brony = Bro + Pony (I hate this term cause it makes me think of brownies).
Also these:

And we're all pretty particular about story structure and uniformity so you need to edit your story and add the tags: Blog, Video, and News to your current tags.

Aug 15, 2011 by Phresh


how much to pre order with alpha

Aug 16, 2011 by kof2012


Soon unapproved will not even show up on the front page.
Stories that aren't edited with our basic guidelines will be removed.

Aug 16, 2011 by goukijones


Uh, I'm very sorry Phresh I went to edit my story to add the correct tags and try to adjust it to what you said but it says I'm not allowed to do it. I'm very sorry I didn't structure my story correctly. I've only come here a couple of times to read up about Final Fantasy games but I never signed up to write about one until I found out about this game.

Aug 16, 2011 by daisymare


I added the rest of the tags. It's all good.

Aug 16, 2011 by goukijones


Thank you.

Aug 16, 2011 by daisymare


This is awesome! I get to beat up My Little Pony now! YES!!

Awesome story @DaisyMare!

Aug 17, 2011 by reipuerto


I hope it takes off big and that Hasbro decides to give them a license to make the game legit and sellable. If that happens then you can be certain that it will come to consoles and soon you will see MLP vs Capcom or some other equally awesome match up. I really hope that they include a Brony mode that includes Rule 34 settings with gory fatalities or sexual match up submissions. There is so much that can be done with this game.

Aug 17, 2011 by Daisymare


A My Little Pony fighter? Never saw that coming. But I guess that anything with fans willing to put in some time has a chance. I'll never go near it, but if they made a FPS it'ld be hard not to try it. lol

Good luck with future stories Daisymare.

Aug 18, 2011 by dragonkiss83


That would be interesting. A First Person Shooter involving MLP would be weird though. I don't know how one would make a case for them to start picking up guns and shooting each other. I know some one was trying to make an MLP Mass Effect game but I haven't seen any actual screen shots. I also know that MLP is super popular among Portal Players and that people have been making Team Fortress Mods to include Ponies. If anything else comes up that is more than an 8-bit game I'll let you guys know.

Aug 18, 2011 by daisymare


Just read the FAQ, they're going to keep the game as clean as the show. Therefore, no blood or gore.

Aug 22, 2011 by Phresh

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