New Borderlands DLC info uncovered in latest PC patch

By BatRastered — August 5, 2010
Tags: borderlands dlc hackers news rumor spoilers

Some hacker jimmies ripped open the latest PC patch for Borderlands and found new info on the next DLC.

So there's a bunch of spoilers, and I highly reccomend you don't read the whole thread at gearbox forums, but it's there if you want it.

It seems we'll finally get to see the Interplanetary Ninja Assasin Claptrap in action, as he's tired of seing his fellow robots enslaved and tries to take over pandora.

No word on the release date yet, but if code is already leaking into the patches, it sounds like it's getting close. I need me some more Borderlands!


Borderlands Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Oct 20, 2009

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