New Gathering items in "Final Fantasy XIV" patch 6.3 Gods Revel Lands Tremble

By BatRastered — January 12, 2023
Tags: blog endwalker ffxiv masterdotl

Endwalker patch 6.3 is out now. Here's where to get the new aethersands and mining and botany items.

With Tuesday's release of Endwalker patch 6.3 "Gods Revel Lands Temble" there are some new items to gather in Final Fantasy XIV. Our gathering site over at has all the details.

FFXIV New Items 6.3 Gods Revel Lands Tremble

There is 1 new item to gather for miner (Raw Zoisite) and 1 for botanist (Mornveil Tree Bark) which you'll need at least 3625 perception in order to collect, and more importantly one new aethersand to get via aetherial reduction. Earthbreak aethersand is what you're after. Visit our Ephemeral Nodes page for all the details.

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