Nintendo Booth E3 2013 GJ vs FNJ Exclusive Video

By goukijones — June 30, 2013
Tags: e3-2013 fnjimmy goukijones nintendo video

GoukiJones & FnJimmy discuss the wonders of the Nintendo booth. E3 2013.

Have to take special note that the Nintendo booth babes change their clothes. You have to get the pics of mini-skirts on day one! Oh wait, this about games right. Well like we say we didn't play any games in the Nintendo booth. Once I saw the bikes in the Mario Kart, my care factor for this game dropped to 0. Absolutely 0 interest at this point. I'll let FnJimmy get it & bring it over. But if the bikes are anything like the last Mario Kart, I'll be sticking to my 64. Don't be a Jimmy.

Luigi got his own game, it's just a copy of Super Mario Wii-U. Pikmin, I played last year, it'll be out soon, so didn't need to play that. What else? Oh Nintendo, the next Zelda better blow Jimmys out of the water. What happened to the Wonderful 101?

Thanks for watching. 

Pikmin 3

Pikmin 3

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 4, 2013

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