Nintendo's version of eSports -> Mario Kart 8 special on Dec. 5 at 8PT/ET

By goukijones — November 30, 2015
Tags: blog disney-xd

Celebs team with pros in a 1 hour Mario Kart 8 competition special. Who else is hype to see the setup for this?!

From Nintendo:

Rev up your virtual engines! Mario Kart 8 is coming to Disney XD!

In a new show called "Clash of Karts: Mario Kart 8," eight of America's best young gamers get the opportunity to team up with the hottest YouTube personalities like Strawburry 17, Andre (Black Nerd Comedy), AtomicMari and SethBling to compete in a one-hour multi-round Mario Kart 8 competition. Who will  be crowned the champion? Tune in Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. PT/ET to Disney XD to find out.

Don't miss out on all the high-speed fun!

Grand Finals from Ride or Die 2 Feat: Jacob & FnJimmy on commentary.

Mario Kart 8

Mario Kart 8 Gouki Box Art

27 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: May 30, 2014

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