Official FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII Trailer 2011

By goukijones — February 1, 2011
Tags: final-fantasy-versus-xiii news video

I love the art design in this game already. The subtle hints of Final Fantasy mythology spread through out this preview are amazing. Check it out, now it 1080! ZOMG!!

We can only hope - the few of us Final Fantasy fans that are left - that this game will revitalize this franchise. Although, when I think about it's not in that bad of shape is it? I still say Final Fantasy Tactics, XII and VII are some of my favorite games of all time. Yes in that order. XIII completely let me down and XIV was an embarrassment nobody could endure. I can't sell my collector's edition for $40 bucks on eBay. sad face. C'mon Versus XIII - Don't Suck!

FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII Trailer 2011


Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Nov 29, 2016

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