Community Official Vote for characters you want in MVC3 DLC

By iorilamia — February 16, 2011
Tags: blog capcom-unity characters dlc mvc3

Capcom Unity is listening to the fans. They made 2 topics for you to put in which characters you want, last time they did this those characters were put in vanilla sf4.

Rules are simple, post a minimum of 3 characters you want and a maximum of 5. Thats it, not chatting, pictures or whatever, just your list. You only get to vote once and don't vote on characters who are based on real people. VOTING ENDS FEB.19NTH!

Link for Marvel side

Link for Capcom Side



I really wanted Frank West,Juri,Batsu, Kajin no Soki and Ken. Along with Venom, Gambit and Black Panther.

Which characters are you voting for? Go vote and leave a comment below!


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

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