"One Piece Odyssey" Sets Sail

By goukijones — January 13, 2023
Tags: one-piece one-piece-odyssey video

Will this game walk the plank?

The battle style is a paper, rock, scissor type battle system. The demo I watched has Luffy and his mates battle one dude for 10 minutes doing very little damage to him. You can switch anybody in and out of your team during a fight at any moment. Kinda how Final Fantasy XII did it. I’ll be looking for this game when the price drops or I have more free time, but for right now it’s not for me. You can watch the entire stream featuring long-time Gouki.com friend VampyBitme and some devs below. Let me know what you think and if you’re going to be playing One Piece Odyssey.

ONE PIECE ODYSSEY — Launch Trailer

ONE PIECE ODYSSEY - with Reagan Kathryn and VampyBitme


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