Out Now: FFXIV, Madden 25, and Lost Planet 3

By BatRastered — August 27, 2013
Tags: blog release-date

Three big games out this week. Only one has any stories on Gouki. Guess which?

First off, if you read this site or listen to the podcast you know today is the first official day of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Many of you have already been playing it of course, but the game is officially out today.

In other news, another year, another Madden. Here's the release trailer showing zero gameplay footage.

Here's some gameplay if you care, it's from the ps3/360 so it looks exactly the same as last year. I can't find any full-on next-gen footage, just a lot of stuff that's either wireframe or has no crowds or other weird stuff. Not sure if this actually makes launch on the PS4/Xbone.

Finally, from the "wasn't that released like a year ago" department we have Lost Planet 3. I can't even count how many conventions we've seen this game. I was stunned to find out it wasn't already out.

Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV Gouki Box Art

124 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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