Overwatch: Symmetra gets overhauled

By BatRastered — November 22, 2016
Tags: blizzard news overwatch patch video

What changes are coming to Symmetra?

Ultimate: The teleporter works as before, but now you have the option to change it from a teleporter to a shield generator that has a "huge range" and ignores line of sight. This is a big deal for those 2nd points where your spawn is close enough to the objective on defense that a teleporter is worthless. Teleporter health is now partly shield health that can regen and has slightly more overall health.

Shields: Gone. Replaced with a Rienhardt-esque shield that travels along the ground in front of you.

Turrets: Stock up to 6 now, all 6 available at match start, no more waiting until 2 seconds before the offense comes out before you can place your last turret.

Primary fire: slightly longer range.

Secondary fire: No change


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