Community Part 2 of the Portal 2 Sountrack is up, and it's still free. :D

By grey walrus — July 2, 2011
Tags: free news portal-2 valve

I think this one is pretty self explanatory.

A while ago I posted a story up on here that said the first Volume of the portal 2 soundtrack was out, and that it was free. Well It still is, but now you can pick up part 2 as well. Part 1 contained 22 songs, and part 2 contains 18. I think that valve is really cool for giving away such an awesome soundtrack for free, and that it's the whole thing. They've already given us 40 songs, and part 3 has yet to arrive. This soundtrack is supremely great too. If you liked the music while you were playing the game it feels just as good driving down the road. 


I know we all like free stuff, and I'll keep my eye out for part 3. But for now, download and enjoy part 2. 


EDIT: Here's the link. Derp

Portal 2

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Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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