Portal 2 DLC Announced

By BatRastered — April 29, 2011
Tags: dlc free mac news pc portal-2 ps3 steam valve xbox-360

Did you like Portal 2? Do you want more? Do you want it for free?

Good news everybody!

Valve has some DLC in the works for Portal 2; it will release this summer and be free!

Portal 2 DLC #1 will offer new test chambers for players, leaderboards, challenge mode for single and multiplayer modes, and more.

Targeted for release this summer, Portal 2 DLC #1 will be offered free of charge for the PC, Mac, Xbox 360, and PS3.

I'm super excied for the leaderboards and challenge modes, hopefully there will be a similar style to the advanced mode in the original where you can be ranked on how quickly you solve the room, fewest portals, fewest steps, etc.

Oh, and did I mention it's free?


Portal 2

Portal 2 Gouki Box Art

32 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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