Pro-Trolling in Battlefield 3. Video & Xbox Live messages. HATE

By goukijones — January 28, 2012
Tags: blog live-stream-highlights

Some may say it's trolling, but GoukiJones relocates constantly staying 1 step of his Nemesis. Of course there was some hate mail soon after the match from the Jimmy. The video has been time stamped with highlights for your viewing pleasure. #dontbeajimmy

I like to time stamp some highlights and this game in particular is a classic time stamper. Mostly for my homeboy GSO Lockheld. Sarcasm there, I've never met the guy or played with him online. Great sport though. I sent him a GG message afterwards, here are his two responses below. 

Followed up with ...

Sorry bro. As you can see with the time stamps below, I pistol whipped you only 3 times. Sniper you 4 times and stuck my blade into your gullet twice. No hard feelings. 

Special note here and maybe one of you other Battlefield 3 pros can explain this. On the official Battlefield 3 stat page for that game, it says I have 1 death. I clearly do not die at all during the video. I come close like three times, but never die. I run out of bullets and glitch my mobile spawn point. Unless you can only pick it up and place a few times per life. Can you? Enjoy the video, it's the entire game. You can use the time stamps below to skip to my favorite highlights.

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Outstanding right? If you'd like to play with us [tG] Team Gouki and be a part of our live stream. Join up on our Battlefield 3 page, check out the live stream and most importantly become a part of and leave a comment on this story. Don't be a GSO Lockheld errrrrrr Jimmy!

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