PWN of the Week #4

By goukijones — January 8, 2013
Tags: blog pwn-of-the-week

GoukiJones himself makes an appearance this week. You know it's a clip from an objective game Jimmy!

GoukiJones aka King of Jimmys shows off his flag killing skills with this weeks PWN of the Week.

Congratulations to me for being good with gun & a flag in my hand. Honestly I thot that was the covey assault rifle until you fired it. Don't be a Jimmy!

Please recommend me your best clips. I review them every Saturday at 1PM PST on the LIVE stream.

Submit your clips.

You can always create your own story about a Halo 4 clip YOU uploaded to the internet. Vote, comment & share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Halo 4

Halo 4 Gouki Box Art

57 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 6, 2012

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