PWNfest for Haiti Relief Halo 3 and ODST achievements Endure

By goukijones — January 20, 2010
Tags: achievement charity halo-3 halo-3-odst multiplayer pwnfest

Lets help Haiti by getting achievements and pwnn some nuabs on Halo 3 and ODST.

Bungie is donating $100 to Haiti relief for every 1000 players the next two days. Up to a maximum of $77,000 Jimmy! You have to wear a specific emblem and play! So lets get Team Gouki back on Halo 3 and pwn some noob grill! We can get some achievements also. Skulls, Marathon Man, Used Car Salesman or the more serious ones like Vidmaster Challenge: Annual, Deja Vu, or Endure. What up Jimmy?! Lets pwn! Be a Hero! Don't be a Jimmy!

Crimson Relic

I'm supposed to be getting ODST from Gamefly today Jimmy! I don't know if they give you both discs though...

Jan 20, 2010 by Crimson Relic


They should it's part of the game.

Jan 20, 2010 by goukijones

Crimson Relic

Didn't make it today, it shipped out yesterday. Guess it'll be tomorrow. Ya'll have fun and don't be scared to switch over to SFIV, I'll be on late tonight.

Jan 20, 2010 by Crimson Relic

Crimson Relic

Yeah, you don't get the multiplayer disc w/ODST from Gamefly. What about the people who don't have Halo 3 or have online to download the maps? Gamefly, you suck on that one.

Jan 21, 2010 by Crimson Relic

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