PWNfest July 7th 2010 Crackdown 2, Star Successor and Halo 3?!

By goukijones — July 6, 2010
Tags: pwnfest

You know what Bungie day is, right Jimmy? 7 of 7?! Halo 3?! Crackdown 2 and a Nintendo Wii game? WTF is going here. will be looking for some extra Jimmys to play Crackdown 2 with starting right now.

What up to Estrada and Big Merkle! Lets play some Halo 3. It's Bungie day 7 of 7. Every year this happens and you can win prizes sometimes based on your performance.

Also finally going to get to play Sin and Punishment Star Successor. Which I've wanted to play since it's release and today I finally got it. Got a helluva deal to Jimmy. Deals Jimmy!

I still gotta finish Red Dead Redemption. I also intend to start God of War III sometime this week. Maybe play some Naughty Bear.

EVO is this weekend and if you want a chance to duel the fighter leave a message on this story and make sure your profile has your Xbox 360 Gamertag linked to it. This is happening Wednesday night Jimmy so don't miss out on your chance to get pwnd by a real Street Fighter player.


Crackdown 2

Crackdown 2 Gouki Box Art

4 Stories

Release Date: Jul 6, 2010

Buy it! 30% - Rent it! 30% - Flush it! 40%

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