Community Ready for the Mechromancer in Borderlands 2?

By dragonkiss83 — September 11, 2012
Tags: blog borderlands-2 dlc news

The extra class has some more official info.

I saw this today on Facebook.  if you pre-ordered and got the Premiere Club you'll get it free.  If not it will cost you $9.99 on PS3 or 800 MSP on Xbox 360.  And it will be released on the 16th of October for everyone.  So we get about a month to play before we get the new class.  And with the weapon storage system they added the time you'll be able to level her up with ease.

I'll be on PS3 will any of you?  It seems most of the site is going to be playing it sooner or later how many pre-orders?  Anyone going to have to buy this later?

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Gouki Box Art

83 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 18, 2012

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de bad shot

bought it on steam months ago

de bad shot has not rated Borderlands 2 yet.
Sep 11, 2012 by de bad shot

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