Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City FREE DLC Spec Ops Review
By goukijones —
April 12, 2012
A quick look at the FREE DLC released this week for RE: ORC.
First of all let me state that I strongly feel that a couple of years ago this entire campaign would have been a part of the main game. There is no way I'm going to pay for these DLC levels in the future. The only reason I played this was because it was free. Games are not $60 anymore, they are over $100 after these Jimmy ass companies milk you with DLC. Like Jimmys in the Mass Effect paying for the random kits to level up their characters. WTF.
Here's the video of us playing the new RE: ORC FREE DLC. The only thing to look out for in this clip below is bad game design. Don't be a Jimmy! Vote, Comment & Share!
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
Release Date:
Mar 20, 2012
Verdict: Flush It