SDCC 2012 Pictures from GoukiJones. Line for Hall H starts here.

By goukijones — July 19, 2012
Tags: blog sdcc2012

I was standing in the same place a lot during this con. When I did get loose I popped off as many shots as I could. These are some of the best I think. Cosplay, Booths, Hall H line, Bronies, Guillermo del Toro, Rob Van Dam and Ed Boon.

There's a lot of pictures here. 108 to be exact. I'll explain some in detail in some stories I'm going to post. As far as the 3 titty girl, I would really love to hear your opinion on whether it is real or prosthetic. They look nice Jimmy.

Shout out to Ed Boon and RVD for posing with us. And to all of the girls who allowed this perv to take pictures of them. 

Fuckin' Brony love on I understand the fascination with the Ponies. I love the Dragon Ball universe, so I won't knock anybody for having their favorites. Plus they are getting a legit looking fighter made by the community. There was a ton of action at the con for My Little Pony. I couldn't get into the Hasbro booth until day 3, I was trying to get 1 Pony for Daisymare, my bad bro. 

All those artist signing and doing sketches, you'll have to ask Choke for more info on that. He's the collector. 

Oh that Giant red Power Ranger ass. It looks like he's taking a piss from the back.

Yes that is Guillermo del Toro. We were only allowed to buy a poster from him and not allowed to speak to him. :( Over heard in line: "It's a picture of a cockroach bro."

Cosplay highlights: Pick any suicide girl. The Lara Croft had something special. The mouse Deadpool was the coolest Deadpool I'd seen all week. Moxxi hello. Yeah, that's the Hoff. Galactus was BAD ASS NICE. I can't explain the guy at the janitor's cart or at the pink berry, but I love both those pics. Only at Comic-con. 

[UPDATED] Jul 24, 2012 12:53:38 PM

Jul 24, 2012 by goukijones

Updated with 8 new pictures and less Hello Kitty.


Bronies, Guillermo del Toro, Rob Van Dam those words just don't belong in the same sentence. Been a fan of the Suicide Girls for around 10 years. Could actually name most of the ones you got shots of, lol. And on the Total Recall they are all 3 a prosthetic piece.

Jul 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83


great pics you got during your visit to comic con, goukijones. It was cool that you had a chance to meet Ed Boon, as well as taking photos of the Hello Kitty Chun-Li.

Jul 22, 2012 by Arthvader


Dead-mou5e-Pool was pretty cool. I'm shocked that you didn't run into more than just Pinkie Pie cosplayers. I'm even more shocked that you didn't see the full pony suit cosplayers. Excellent work with the camera by the way. You got a lot of great shots of some of my most favorite things. I'm actually curious about Total Recall now.

Jul 22, 2012 by daisymare


Nice pics ^^ too many pics of Hello Kitty chun li though ^^ Some of the other cosplay were pretty good.

Jul 22, 2012 by genxsis83


Ok I updated the reel with less pictures of Hello Kitty. There are 8 new pictures. Mostly of Choke bullying his way through children rushing to his favorite booth.

Jul 24, 2012 by goukijones


Hahaha thanks for listening man ^^ Love the Batmobiles. Seems like you increased the number of chics in the slideshow ^^

Jul 26, 2012 by genxsis83


@Dragonkiss83, would you kindly name them from left to right in both pictures so I can follow up. Thank you.

Jul 27, 2012 by goukijones


Extra points for @dragonkiss83 !!!

Jul 27, 2012 by BatRastered


Uh where is the Username and PW?

Jul 27, 2012 by goukijones

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