SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED Teaser Trailer simply amazing

By goukijones — January 13, 2011
Tags: shift-2-unleashed teaser trailer video

Wow. The racing in this games looks as if it's going to be even more addicting then the fast pace cops and robbers action of Hot Pursuit. I was avoiding another racing game so soon, but the gameplay in this trailer looks simply amazing.

SHIFT 2 UNLEASHED™ Teaser Trailer

It's no secret that the Goukimunity loves the Need for Speed Hot Pursuit. NFSHP is a 2010 Jimmy Gem Award winner. Now we have another Need for Speed coming out soon, but this one is more focused on racing. And from the looks of the trailer, it will be nothing like GT5. Plus Need for Speed has something no other racer has, The Autolog. The Autolog is revolutionary and I can't wait to see what it does for Shift 2 Unleashed.

Shift 2 Unleashed

Shift 2 Unleashed Gouki Box Art

5 Stories

Release Date: Mar 29, 2011

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