Sim City Social You need 16 Gems to read this review.

By goukijones — June 29, 2012
Tags: review sim-city-social

Sim City Social was released in beta form this week on Facebook. I'm a big Sim City fan and I hate all social games. I did play this though, it's Sim City. Read my thoughts in this review.

In Sim City Social you get a little spot of land to grow your town at the very start. There's a few levels of training, teaching you the menus and how to respond to community problems. The graphics are decent and the load times are okay. The big problem, well actually the only problem is that this game costs money to play. You can spend $100's of real money. Or you can just quit like I did.

In this version of Sim City you get quests to complete. Build this building, upgrade that building, and even chase down the parts of a UFO that broke up over your city. To build the UFO research center you need to have 5 friends to operate it (I know 0 people playing this game) or you can spend these gems that you get from leveling up in the game. It's takes 25 gems to staff the research facility. In the early levels you get tons of gems every time you level up. After level 10 the gems stop and you're fucked if you don't have any friends. I would remove people on Facebook for harassing me with requests to play these stupid games, well I guess now that is biting me in the ass.

Never once does the game tell you that you will not be receiving anymore gems after level 10 and you should save them. In fact the game offers you unique landmarks in the early levels that you can buy way cheap if you "use 7 gems right now." The gems suck. First of all that's how they try to get real money out of you. Second, later on when you need to build a police station because Jimmy ass sims are running amuck through out the town, you can't because you don't have any gems or friends to staff the polices station.

So that's all pretty disappointing. If you have the Facebook and we are friends and want to play the Sim City, please invite me! Please! I'll be nice to your town and send you plenty of gifts. Wink face. 

This is Flush it! I won't pay intervals to play any game. I would have rather just paid $20 to have a version of this with out gems. It's a pretty good chance I won't be playing this anymore after this review. Unless like 10 of you Jimmys send me a request on Facebook. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!

Verdict: Flush It


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