Skullgirls Animation Process Revealed

By goukijones — June 3, 2011
Tags: animation e3-2011 skullgirls video

Skullgirls is looking better than ever. Here's a great look at the animation process from Reverge Labs. Can't wait to play this game.

Skullgirls is a 2D fighting game, featuring a bunch chicks with demon type stuff strapped to the for pure ass kicking. An easy cross between Street Fighter and Darkstalkers some would say. A pretty sweet combo and juggle system. Skullgirls is destined to be an EVO game. Watch for this at tournaments.

From Reverge Labs"

Our ever-supportive publisher, Autumn Games, has produced a short and very slick documentary detailing the animation process we use to make our stellar, 100% hand-drawn 2D animation.

In just two minutes, you can see how a character is made from conception all the way to the final product…. something that takes our artists between 2000 and 3000 man-hours of finger-breaking labor.

That’s a savings of up to 99.998889%!

Animating the Skullgirls Way

Source: Skullgirls Twitter


Skullgirls box art 360 arcade

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Release Date: Apr 11, 2012

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