Community Skyrim + Vampries .... Dawnguard is coming

By dragonkiss83 — June 6, 2012
Tags: e3-2012 news skyrim

With the Elder Scrolls series we have come to expect a few things. Open worlds, kill-able NPCs and turning into a vampire and werewolf.

Now that is what I think of when I think about playing as a vampire.  Forget the Twilight angle where you don't realy look different. In the other Elder Scrolls games a vampire looked like everyone else, but the npcs knew you were infected.  The werewolf changed though.  I guess we can thank the Underworld series for getting the hellish looking vampire put in.

But you can also join the Dawnguard if you want to hunt vampires down.  So you can play it from the side you choose.

If you go vamp you can meet others like yourself and get into their stories.  They mention a girl caught between her parents as they fight for power.  Not exactly an original idea, but still sounds fun to me.

Transforming into the real vampire form will let you have some nasty melee along with special vampire skills.  Like bringing a corpse back to life to help you.  And with the wings you can take limited flight.

The expansion should be good for around 15 hours of extra play, but if you're like me you can go way beyond that just terrorizing the citizens. 

It'll be on the 360 June 26th and PC and PS3 will have to wait an extra month.

And Game informer had a list of perks for the vampire:


Original source.


I heard alot of good things about the dawnguard DLC, especially since you get to go into the gates of Oblivion. whenever I get my hands on Skyrim, I would most likely want to get this DLC.

Jun 23, 2012 by Arthvader

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