So you think you can Gather? EP3 FFXIV Crafting & Gathering Show. Featuring @zerouktg & @goukijones

By goukijones — September 20, 2013
Tags: a-realm-reborn gouki-linkshell guide how-to video

GoukiJones & ZeroUK take Mining & Botany from level 20 to 22 in a matter of hours. They act like 2 Jimmys the entire time as well.

Every week Thursday 1PM you can meet up with Zero & I for our weekly gathering & crafting show on Here's this weeks episode. (Twitch wasn't uploading the previous 2 sorry. Most people should be able to handle level 1-15.)

I think the most important thing to make gathering go fast is having the maxest gear possible. It's not all about HQs -they help- but what's even worse is just missing. Every miss is time lost. So my gear is maxed out & I try to jam as much Materia into it as possible. 

If you're interested in joining up with us, you gotta be on Malboro. Hit me up & I'll invite you to the Gouki Linkshell.

Final Fantasy XIV

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Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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