Community SSX Deadly Descents Pre-Order Deals Announced.

By iorilamia — August 15, 2011
Tags: news pre-order-bonus ssx-deadly-descents

See what the SSX franchise has to offer as pre-order bonus.

SSX Deadly Descents still isn't due till January 2012, but that doesn't stop them from announcing super early pre-orders. First off, we have the divided retailer bonuses. Pre Order from:

Origin- receive Elise’s Elite snowboard and a bonus boost.

Amazon- receive Mac’s Elite snowboard and a bonus boost

Best-Buy - receive Zoe’s Elite snowboard and a bonus boost

Wallmart- receive Kaori’s Elite snowboard and a bonus boost

But that's not it, every pre-order comes with the character  Eddie Wachowski, his elite board and a boost!

A long with most of the cast, he got a  HUGE makeover.

As excited as I was to hear that there will be some sort of bonus, it also feels pretty lame. Eddie (who is usually a regular character) will be a Legendary Rider, meaning he is un-lockable. Also Legendary Boards were a pain to get, even just for one rider, but that is what kept up a lot of the motivation to play and earn more stuff. Not sure what the bonus boost is, but pre-ordering for an un-lockable character and a super-board that isn't really necessary....feels a bit lackluster.

Well, what do you guys think?



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Release Date: Feb 28, 2012

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