Star Wars The Old Republic Release Date Official Announcement

By goukijones — September 24, 2011
Tags: news release-date star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic

Finally the street date for the US & UK release for Star Wars The Old Republic. Could it be perfect timing considering all the great releases these next couple of months?

Finally after what seems like SWTOR has been in development longer than Duke Nukem Forever, we have a solid release date.


It's official. Now I already pre-ordered because I'm not a Jimmy. Allegedly, I will get earlier access then the rest of you nuabs. So this is a perfect release date, I think. It's long after after all of the major release come out and right at the start of the Winter dead zone. From about the 20th of December until everyone goes back to work and school that first week in January, nothing happens in the world of video games. 

Expect to see me on The Old Republic. Leave a comment on this story, if you want to party up. We can rule the galaxy, Gouki Guild style. 

You can PRE-ORDER from amazon, get early access and get some colored stone or something for your lightsaber. lol. Irrelevant!

Original source.

[UPDATED] Sep 24, 2011 9:10:55 AM

Sep 24, 2011 by BatRastered

When you buy SWTOR, you'll get 30 days included. Here's the subscription rates for afterwards:


It's shit like this that makes me regret not being a PC gamer.

Sep 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83



Sep 29, 2011 by kof2012

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