Team Gouki UMvC3 Exhibition Tournament w/Commentary

By goukijones — November 13, 2011
Tags: choke exclusive-video fnjimmy goukijones team-gouki

Featuring a new character from UMvC3 in each match. We did this just to show off regular gamers playing Ultimate for the first time. We hope you enjoy our tournament. Includes FnJimmy's redemption match. #dontbeajimmy

Round 1

Player 1 Choke VS Player 2 FnJimmy

Featuring Phoenix Wright, Nemesis T-Type, & Firebrand

Round 1 - Second Match

Player 1 GoukiJones VS Player 2 Choke

Featuring Ghost Rider, Nova, Strider & Dr. Strange

Semi finals

Player 1 GoukiJones VS Player 2 FnJimmy

Featuring Frank West, Vergil, Hawkeye & Iron Fist

Grand finals

Player 1 GoukiJones VS Player 2 Choke

Featuring Nova, Phoenix Wright, Spencer & Tron

FnJimmy's Redemption Match

Player 1 GoukiJones VS FnJimmy

Featuring Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Nemesis T-Type

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Gouki Box Art

69 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 15, 2011

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