Community Thanks for the Pax Swag Bag!

By dragonkiss83 — November 1, 2012
Tags: blog giveaway pax-2012

Mysteriously large box from wonder what could be inside.

So I won a shirt and some swag from a giveaway here.  When it showed I thought the box felt a bit heavy so I was curious about what could be inside.  As I emptied out the box it just started spreading so I cleared a spot and spread it out.

As I started to arrange it my son started calling dibs on almost everything.  The block head from D&D was his first victim.  Then he had to have the flashlight.  Everything Batman he got no contest, but was thrilled to get it.  He tried for both Magic the Gathering bags, but only got away with one.  But my main prize was my Borderlands 2 shirt and the surprise of NeverDead.  I haven't played anything but Borderlands 2 for a bit, but NeverDead will be in the 360 waiting now.

All the prizes from here on the site have been great, but this one was surprising.  Thanks again!  


Neverdead box art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jan 31, 2012

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