The Elder Scrolls Online gets a release date

By BatRastered — December 12, 2013
Tags: bethesda news release-date video

PC in April, Next-Gen in June.

The Elder Scrolls Online will be hitting your PC on April 4, 2014. It is tentatively slated to come to a PS4/XB1 near you in June 2014.

The Elder Scrolls Online Logo

Bethesda recently released a video about character progression which looked pretty cool. The game is currently in beta, but Jimmys can't talk about that.

Here's another trailer that shows... well, I'm not sure what honestly, but it's got the release dates at the end and that's all I cared about. Enjoy.

The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online box art

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Release Date: Apr 4, 2014

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