The Fall for Nintendo Switch Review

By goukijones — June 9, 2018
Tags: metroid-vania mystery review side-scroller

I had no chance...

This game caught my attention because it has a Metroid-Vania look.  It also has a very weird sounding story about a robot suit that has to pretend to be a low-class service droid, Your character has to infiltrate a high-tech security building to revive the human that was injured while inside the suit.  It even sounds fucking crazy as I try to write it out.  The game is very cool, good graphics, good sound effects, voice acting, etc… it’s got it all.  But the game is the hardest game I’ve played in a long time.  There is absolutely ZERO direction.  So far I’ve gotten stuck on a drop of blood.

I had an interaction with somebody on a computer screen, who no matter how hard I tried, I could not convince to let me pass.  This was the first time I stopped playing.  A couple of weeks later I went back and finally did get past that part of the game.

The next area was 4 times the size of the first area, I managed to progress through that pretty easily until I got to the baby in the crib and now I cannot figure out how to make it stop crying.  Enter ULTIMATE BOSS BATTLE 3.  I must have spent 2 hours trying to figure out this puzzle.  Am I retarded or something? I have clicked and double checked EVERY clickable thing on all three levels of this area and map.  I give up.  HMU when you beat the baby boss. 

Thanks for reading!

The Fall

The Fall Gouki Box Art

1 Stories

Release Date: May 10, 2018

Buy it! 0% - Rent it! 100% - Flush it! 0%

Verdict: Rent It


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