Community The Rise Of Evil Ryu

By starlordtitus — January 29, 2013
Tags: blog fiction street-fighter-4

Among the biggest of our questions to Evil Ryu is the gaping hole in his chest. Now, we find out how he received it.

Reader's Note: The following story has 2 fight sequences. You can play the Ryu Theme Music video to be played at the beginning of the fight between Ryu and Ken, and then the Akuma vs Ryu Theme music video to be played during the fight between Akuma and Ryu.


A gentle breeze flows. The blades of grass under his feet feel full and lush. Ryu has returned to Japan. And he is standing in front of his master's temple. Lingering thoughts take him to his past battles with Akuma as he is here to finish the fight with the dreaded adversary. In the distance, he hears a voice "Ryu! Ryu! Hey man, long time no see". Ken has made it to Japan. The two have decided to face off against Akuma, but to determine who will fight him, they will spar against one another and choose a victor to fight the dark hado warrior. (Activate Ryu Theme Music now) We see Ryu and Ken on opposite sides, readied in stance and friendly greeting.

  As they begin, they dash towards one another. Ken takes the initiative and leaps into the air and comes down with a hard kick. Ryu dodges by rolling underneath Ken and immediately turns around while crouched and fires a Hadouken towards Ken.  Ken dives to the right and merely dodges the fireball. Ryu then rushes in and begins throwing punches and hooks. Ken does his best to block and dodge while countering with quick-like feints and kicks. Ryu then blocks Ken's forward kick and grabs Ken, throwing him backwards. Ryu prepares another Hadouken, but Ken quickly regains composure as Ryu fires. Ken jumps over the fireball lands directly under Ryu, "SHORYUKEN!".  Ken lands a fierce dragon punch to Ryu. As Ken descends, Ryu double back flips in the air to regain bodily control and lands safely. Ken dashes toward Ryu to try and end the match quickly, but Ryu ensnares Ken with a hard hurricane kick, "TATSUMAKI KENPUUKYAKU!", landing multiple kicks on Ken. Ken quickly rebalances himself and sweeps Ryu to the ground. Ryu quick stands and the two then dash towards the other throwing a punch, simultaneously landing the blows to each other's faces. The two jump backwards to separate. They stare at each other as Ken begins to speak, "You haven't lost your touch, Ryu >:)". "And you've gotten stronger, Ken >=)" says Ryu.  "Ready to finish this!?"(Ken), "Let's do it!"(Ryu). The two then sprint towards the other ready to go all out, when suddenly out of the sky, insidious purple Zankuu Hadoukens (air fireballs) rain from the sky, forcing the two to dodge backwards and separate!


[Activate Akuma vs Ryu Theme]

(Akuma) " You two cubs prove to be mildly entertaining,but, it's time........PREPARE YOURSELF, RYU!". Ryu's eyes open wide as Akuma  rushes forward with blinding speed, punching Ryu in the face. Ryu tumbles on the ground and immediately rolls to recover composure. He then looks up to see Akuma in the skies, diving down to intercept Ryu as he stands up. Ryu jumps to the side, barely dodging the menacing blow to the ground. Ryu then rushes in with a fist to Akuma's core but Akuma blocks it with crossed arms and then forcibly moves Ryu's fist to the side as Akuma comes down with an overhead chop. However, Ryu is able to cross-arm block high as Akuma's thick hand hits. Ryu's body sinks a bit into the ground as the impact of Akuma's chop comes down on him. Ryu pushes upwards and breaks Akuma off of him, immediately going into a Shoryuken! But Akuma is too battle ready and back dashes, causing Ryu to miss entirely. In that moment, Akuma unleashes the Shun Goku Satsu(Raging Demon).

Akuma lands the devastating attack, ending it with a blow to Ryu's chest.

Ryu now in agonizing pain, realizes he is about to die. That Akuma seeks to murder him like he attempted with his master Gouken. A sudden anger is unleashed, and a burning desire to kill Akuma is unlocked! Ryu's eyes turn a scorching red and his teeth become fanged. Akuma watches in pleasure as the cub's dark hadou is finally released. Ryu then surprises Akuma by lunging forward while Akuma's fist is still in his body and hits Akuma's face with his head, knocking Akuma away a great distance. Akuma holds his face a bit in pain and in somewhat wonder as Ryu stands there with a malicious grin. The hole in his chest now pouring out with the dark energy, the Satsui No Hado. Akuma realizing the boy's power is now unleashed, now hungers to test the boy's power. But knowing Ryu has not fully mastered the dark hadou, it would be a shame to kill him now and not receive the full challenge he's sought after all this time. Akuma smiles and says "I'm proud of you boy, you're transcending has been a long coming desire. When you have fully mastered your power, seek me out and we shall have fight to the death!" Akuma then slams the ground with his fist and dark energy, creating a blinding flashing light and disappears. (Ryu)" I WILL KILL YOU, AKUMA...". Ken watches with a look of despair  for his friend, Ryu has succumbed to the Sastui No Hado(The Surge Of Killing Intent) And now must find a way to bring his friend back to his former self. But will Ken be able to save his closest friend???....


[UPDATED] Jun 2, 2011 2:06:54 PM

Jun 2, 2011 by goukijones

Don't forget to use the spell check.


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